The Royal Hibernian Academy is currently showcasing its 190th annual exhibition of Irish art. In what is Ireland’s oldest and largest open submission process, the RHA exhibits the work of hundreds of artists each year throughout their gallery.
With the onset of Covid-19 and the restrictions implemented in public spaces, the RHA could not open the 190th exhibition as planned during the summer. The exhibition was postponed and was set to open on October 20th. However, following a second nation-wide lockdown on October 21st, the exhibition was delayed again.
As a result of its closure and for the first time in its history, the RHA made the entire collection available online to view and purchase. In addition to this, a virtual tour of the premises was developed, where one could freely navigate the entire exhibition online from the comfort of their home. The virtual tour of the exhibition is available here, as well as the option of having an audio tour of the exhibition by a range of artists including, Diana Copperwhite, Geraldine O’Neil, Eithne Jordan, Colin Martin, Una Sealy and RHA curator Ruth Carroll.
The artist is at the centre of the entire process of the annual exhibition – The exhibition includes works by 312 artists who are either academy members, invited artists or artists who had their work selected through the open submission process (which received 4,129 entries by 2,698 artists). All 455 artworks on display in the exhibition were chosen by a panel of artists and were also installed by artist Donald Teskey.
The theme for the 190th annual exhibition was ‘Landscape’. A theme which has taken on various new meanings during the past year of social and physical restrictions and limitations. The exhibition includes paintings, photographs, prints, sculptures and architectural drawings and models, which explore traditional, unconventional, and theoretical ideas of a landscape. The works in the exhibition offer a plethora of points of view, from figurative to abstract portrayals of a physical landscapes, from newly focused viewpoints as a result of lockdown, to interpretations of a digital landscape as creatives leant on technology during a time of social and cultural stagnation.
Thankfully as the country came out of lockdown in December, the RHA reopened its doors and the 190th annual exhibition on 2nd December. To reserve your spot to visit the exhibition please click here.

The 190th RHA Annual Exhibition is running from 20 October – 13 December 2020 at the Royal Hibernian Academy. To see more of the RHA visit their website and Instagram.
Exhibiting artists:
- Yoko Akino
- Basil Al Rawi
- Carr Cotter and Naessens
- Elizabeth Archbold
- Sketch Architects
- NOJI Architects
- Christopher Banahan
- Margo Banks
- Aideen Barry
- Zsolt Basti
- Jack Bates
- Nicholas Bayne
- John Behan
- Angela Bell
- Sharon Belton
- Liam Belton
- Helen G Blake
- Sahoko Blake
- George Bolster
- Brain Bourke
- Peter Bradley
- Brenda Brady
- Sean Breithaupt
- Patricia Brennan
- Peter Burns
- Megan Burns
- Michelle Byrne
- Elaine Byrne
- Eanna Byrt
- Steve Cannon
- Tony Carroll
- Miriam Carroll
- Comhghall Casey
- Gerard Casey
- Nuala Clarke
- Carey Clarke
- Tom Climent
- Daniel Coleman
- Susan Connolly
- Shirley Copperwhite
- Diana Copperwhite
- Siobhan Cox
- Gary Coyle
- David Crone
- Laura Cronin
- Alan Crosby
- Kieran Crowley
- Adrian Crowley
- Dominique Crowley
- Jennifer Cunningham
- Jean Curran
- Ria Czerniak-LeBov
- Caoimhe Dalton
- Shea Dalton
- Margaret Daly
- Cecilia Danell
- Colin Davidson
- Dorje de Burgh
- Remco De Fouw
- Barry Delaney
- Susan Dolan
- Bernadette Doolan
- Kitsch Doom
- Mollie Douthit
- Grainne Dowling
- Mark Duffy
- Joseph Duggan
- Gabhann Dunne
- Stephen Dunne
- Cara Dunne
- Joe Dunne
- Stephen Durnin
- David Eager Maher
- Susan Early
- Simon English
- James English
- Megan Eustace
- Kelley Farrell
- Aine Farrelly
- Brian Ferran
- Fiona Finlay
- Mary Fitzgerald
- Ciana Fitzgerald
- Niamh Flanagan
- Bridget Flinn
- Damien Flood
- Andrew Folan
- Judy Foley
- Hugh Frazer
- Martin Gale
- Michael Geddis
- Joy Gerrard
- Angela Gilmour
- Jane Glynn
- Kayvan Godsee
- Debbie Godsell
- Helena Gorey
- Richard Gorman
- Lorna Greene
- Vincent Gregan
- Angela Hackett
- Julie Ann Haines
- Frank Hallinan Flood
- James Hanley
- Charles Harper
- Gordon Harris
- Pat Harris
- Paul Harrison
- David Hedderman
- Joeseph Heffernan
- Maser
- Leah Hewson
- Brid Higgins Ni Chinneide
- Michelene Huggard
- Jonathan Hunter
- Alison Hunter
- Shane Hynan
- Raphael Hynes
- Rob Ireson
- Margaret Irwin West
- Austin Ivers
- Myra Jago
- Seungio Jeong
- Eithne Jordan
- Mark Joyce
- Rachel Joynt
- Rasher Mark Kavanagh
- Denis Kelly
- Maev Kelly
- John Kennedy
- Eddie Kennedy
- James Kennedy
- Bernadette Kiely
- Cassie Kirby
- James Kirwan
- Vera Klute
- Shota Kotake
- John Lalor
- Justin Larkin
- Gavin Lavelle
- Gillian Lawler
- Catriona Leahy
- Dorothy Ledwith
- Miseon Lee
- Tommie Lehane
- Frances Leogue
- Pamela Leonard
- David Lilburn
- Oscar Fouz Lopez
- Jeanette Lowe
- Shane Lynam
- Breda Lynch
- Martin Lyttle
- Kaye Maahs
- Eileen MacDonagh
- Maggie Madden
- Barnadette Madden
- Dave Madigan
- Polly Maher
- Alice Maher
- Inguna Mainule
- Selma Makela
- Richard Malone
- Fergus Martin
- Marie-Louise Martin
- Colin Martin
- Francis Matthews
- Joanne McAndrew
- Fionn McCann
- Niamh McCann
- Sheila McCarron
- Maeve McCarthy
- Eleanor McCaughey
- Gavan McCullough
- Brett McEntagert
- Carol Anne McGowan
- Sean mcGuill
- Rosie McGurran
- Ruth McHugh
- Jonathan McLaughlin
- Tom McLean
- Ned McLoughlin
- Cian McLoughlin
- Deirdre McLoughlin
- Nick Miller
- Jason Minsky
- Sarah Mohey
- Sean Molloy
- Seamus Moran
- Philip Moss
- Elva Mulchrone
- Carolyn Mulholland
- Leanne Mullen
- Oliver Murphy
- Colin Murphy
- Sharon Murphy
- Eimear Murphy
- Janet Murran
- Niall Naessens
- Sheila Naughton
- Louise Neiland
- Daniel Nelis
- Denis Nestor
- Sinead Ni Mhaonaigh
- Stephanie Noble
- Lars Nyberg
- Sarah O’Brien
- Abigail O’Brien
- Siobhan O’Callaghan
- Darragh O’Connell
- Eilis O’Connell
- Maureen O’Connor
- Mick O’Dea
- Caoimhghin O’Fraithile
- Rosie O’Gorman
- David O’Kane
- Elizabeth O’Kane
- Mike O’Neill
- William O’Neil
- Geraldine O’Neill
- Elizabeth O’Reilly
- John O’Reilly
- Brian Palm
- Louise Peat
- Yvonne Pettitt
- Rebecca Phelan
- Siobhan Piercy
- Alison Pilkington
- Linda Plunkett
- Niamh porter
- Annabel Potterton
- Maurice Quillinan
- Rosemarie Quilty Sharry
- Ann Quinn
- Liz Rackard
- Eddie Rafferty
- John Rainey
- Jane Rainey
- Martin Redmond
- Patrick Redmond
- Alan Reid
- Luke Reidy
- Bennie Reilly
- SheilaRennick
- Sam Reveles
- Sinead Rice
- Eamonn Robbins
- Nicholas Robinson
- Ciara Roche
- Vivienne Roche
- Caitlyn Rooke
- Stephanie Rowe
- Robert Russell
- Fergus A. Ryan
- Robert Ryan
- Katherine Sankey
- Aindreas Scholz
- Anthony Scott
- Aoife Scott
- Una Sealy
- Scullion Architects
- Neil Shawcross
- Anita Shelbourne
- Vincent Sheridan
- Mark Shields
- Varvara Shinkarenko
- Jennifer Shortt
- June Sira
- Caroline Skelly
- Peter Slyman
- Niamh Smith
- Dorothy Smith
- Blaise Smith
- Anthony Smullen
- Aaron Alexander Smyth
- Jacqueline Stanley
- Rose Stapleton
- Tracy Staunton
- Amelia Stein
- David Stephenson
- Martin Stevenson
- Paul Stinson
- Benita Stoney
- Threadstories
- Paul Stuart
- Imogen Stuart
- Seamus Sullivan
- Shane Synnott
- Donald Teskey
- Elke Thonnes
- Deirdre Tighe
- Liliane Tomasko
- Dominic Turner
- Trudi van der Elsen
- Rachel Wade
- Corban Walker
- Samuel Wash
- Harry Walsh Foreman
- Chanelle Walshe
- Conor Walton
- Michael Wann
- Ann Marie Webb
- Ian Wieczorek
- Keith Wilson
- Donaghy + Diamond Architects
- De Blacam and Meagher Architects
- Ailbhe Ni Bhriain
- Thomas Ryan
- Michael Cullen
- Veronica Bolay
- Janet Mullarney